We can't change their history...

But we can shape their future.

This generation of students is the strongest ever.   

But with the challenges of social media, the inability to fully unplug, and an unsettling lack of connection, they’re having a tough teenagehood.

I’m here to help them work through it.

Many students are struggling with emotional wounds, negative social circumstances, and a lack of good relationships and communication—and when students get stuck emotionally, it affects every aspect of their lives. 

Their grades suffer. 

Their friendships suffer. 

And—they often don’t have someone investing in their emotional well-being or lifting them up when they’re on the verge of quitting. 

I step in to help them learn how to be responsible for their own futures and develop positive habits that will help them stay fulfilled and on track in life. 

I help school leaders improve the overall mental health in their schools, so their students can navigate life and accomplish whatever they set out to do. 

I believe Gen Z and Gen Alpha are full of powerful individuals who simply need someone to believe in them and offer support so they can make their impact on the world. 

This has to happen at ground level, which is why I’ve designed my assemblies and programs to involve long-term relationship-building, in-school training, and ongoing practical applications. That’s how I help students build authentic, compassionate relationships with one another while learning to take responsibility for themselves. 

All you need is to book an initial culture assessment or assembly, and we’ll start getting to the root of what your students really need to thrive mentally and emotionally. 

I’m a youth advocate and speaker who works with teens and teachers in public schools to develop emotional resilience. My original programs help students build positive relationships, communicate about mental health, and take responsibility for their futures. 

After growing up in rural South Dakota as a biracial middle child, never feeling comfortable in my own skin, I set my sights on the NFL. Football seemed like the best way to get validation. But after alcohol abuse ended my football dreams, I realized I had to heal from the inside out. Once I got sober and healthy, I began sharing my story with students and developing the tools I learned into a discussion-heavy curriculum. I spent the next decade working with educators and empowering them to resolve the relational disconnect in their classrooms. 

I’m not afraid to drop some truth.


Today, my assemblies reach thousands of students each year, and my Peer Purpose Mentorship Program influences hundreds of students weekly alongside their core curriculum.

When I’m not working in schools, I love nurturing my friendships, nerding out over business ideas, and writing from my home in Colorado.

Change happens over time. Emotional resilience 
builds on itself, so keep going!

Invest in the process.


There is hope for everyone.

Take heart.


Self-confidence starts with accepting that you’re the only one who will answer for the decisions you make. 

Take responsibility.


you know it. i know it.

At some point, students have to come face-to-face with themselves.

When they do, they need a soft place to land. We can provide that.

Bobby Jones Speaks Core Values

We may not have been around for these kids’ pasts, but we’ll help them figure out their futures. 

Not afraid of a mess.


Sometimes, we need someone to believe in us 
until we can believe in ourselves.

Believe in others.


There are no worthless kids … just ones who have been hurt or starved for love. Redemption is powerful stuff. 

Create a safe place for growth. 


Peer Purpose Mentorship Program student, 1:1 session participant 

"I’ll admit, because of previous experiences with counselors and such, I was skeptical about this whole thing. But, and this could just be because of my trauma, I was intrigued by his story that included alcoholism and surviving. 

In a way, it felt like “if he could get better, then so can I.” 

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let's work together

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